Wednesday, October 4, 2023

How To Professionally Display Your 3D Models


Here is an example of How to Professionally show off your 3D models in the various stages.

The first stage is your Proxy Mesh. (Showing off both the grey rendered version of the model along with the wireframes for the objects.)

Note - The following shots have been rendered in Maya Arnold. For the grey render I used an aiStandardSurface. I plugged in an aiAmbientOcclusion node into various slots on the material. 

For the wire frames, I rendered with aiWireframe material, the infinity wall was filled with an aiAmbientMatte, I then took an aiAmbeintOcclusion node and fed that into the color of both of these materials.

Here are the results of theses shaders.

The second stage is your Up Resed mesh. (Showing off both the grey rendered version of the model along with the wireframes for the objects.)

The Third stage is your Game Res mesh. (Showing off both the grey rendered version of the model along with the wireframes for the objects.)

The final stage is your High Res mesh. (Showing off the grey rendered version of the model.)

Here are some ways to render clean wireframes using Maya Hardware 2.0.

1. Assign your objects to a new layer and change the layer color to black or white, this will control your wireframe color.

2. Create a spot light and turn on shadows for your lights.

3. Enable wireframe options in the render settings window. (Then open the maya render view window and use hardware 2.0 as your rendering option.)

Here is a way to show off UV information:

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