Tuesday, August 18, 2020

3D Week 03 Lego Project Part 01

For this 2 week mini Lego project, there will be 2 parts. 

Part one is building all the Legos you will need for your set.

Part two is assembling them in UE4 to build a small Lego Set.

Everyone will be given a simple Lego Library that I have created as a foundation for your mini project.

Visit this link to download the files from Gumroad (use discount code ucfstudent for free download):

Please watch the following videos to help you understand how to create the lego pieces and have it work with the grid system in Maya and UE4.

I have chosen to build a windshield as an example model for you to look at. This will show you how to build forms and add beveling to the model.Bevells add nice believability to the model, nothing in the real world has perfectly crisp edges, therefore it picks up some reflection or specularity on the edges. CG edges re missing this component and that is often why the come off looking drab or unrealistic. To combat that we will be using beveling, the problem is this can easily drive up our polycount. For a small project not quite a big deal, but if we duplicate our object hundreds or thousands of times, whatever that polycount is for the bevels are, multiply that by however many objects we have and you can start to see the problem we run into.

Lego put out an amazing tool for everyone on their site, they have offered the ability to look up any Lego set and get a .PDF version of the instructions.

In the back of the manual there is a page that list out all the pieces that make up the particular set you are looking for. This could serve as a nice tool to help you find and identify shapes that you want to create.
To choose the project you wish to create, I have created a Pureref board for 6 different projects.
Download the board here (use discount code ucfstudent for free download):
1. Choose one of the 6 projects
2. Grab the common Lego Library
3. Identify the parts you will need to model for your set.
4. Model your parts for the first week (hint, use proxy shapes, work fast, get a pipeline established between Maya and UE4 as quickly as possible.)
5. Second week, assemble and set up Materials and Lighting for professional display in UE4.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some things I did for the second: http://jenniferbaulierfiea.blogspot.com/2016/08/3d-week-02-minecraft-ish-level.html

    I also did some exercises for assignment 3 but ultimately decided the group should probably work on their own and not try to coordinate with me. Here is my page on assignment 3:
